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Original bottling
This is the Ooctomore, the most heavily peated Islay malt there is on the market. It has a phenol content of 152 ppm and is overwelming. It also comes with strong 59% ABV, which gives you enough chance to dilute the Scotch. The Octomore 03.1 was matured...
Original bottling
The Octomore 06.1 is now the most heavily peated whisky in the world. 167 ppm was the maximum peat content Bruichladdich could put into their whisky. This Octomore was made with 100% Scottish barley. Nose: Strong, dry smoke, sweetness of malt, yellow...
Original bottling
The Octomore 06.2 from 2013 has 167 ppm and was matured in Limousin oak casks. It is exclusive for the travel retail and the distillery shop. Nose: A lot of peat smoke, dark sweetness, walnut, lightly metallic Taste: Very sweet and oily, definite smoke...