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Anam na h-Alba - other - 30. Oct 2008 / 30. Aug 2019
Douglas Laing
This Fettercairn is part of the Single Minded series of Douglas Laing. Just like the name, Douglas Laing is single-minded to create and sell good and affordable Scotch Whisky.
Original bottling
The Fettercairn Warehouse Collection include small batches from special casks from the traditional Warehouses of the Highland distillery. All for this bottling selected casks were stored in Warehouse No. 2. Besides Bourbon casks (35%) also Tevasa Sherry...
Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers - Càrn Mòr Strictly Limited
Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers - Càrn Mòr Strictly Limited
Douglas Laing - McGibbon's Provenance